| blood flow blood flow support circulation circulatory support nitric oxide redwood

How to Take Redwood to Increase Nitric Oxide and Blood Circulation

By Christopher Walker

How to Take Redwood to Increase Nitric Oxide and Blood Circulation

Unfortunately, as you age, your chances of developing high blood pressure or other circulatory problems increases. About a third of Americans live with high blood pressure, which puts them at risk of having a stroke or heart attack.


  • Take Redwood Supplement to Increase Nitric Oxide
  • Nitric Oxide Production 
  • Who Should Take Redwood?
  • How to Maximize Results While Taking Redwood Supplement
  • You can improve your circulatory health by eating a healthy diet and exercising, but sometimes your body needs some extra help.

    We’ve scientifically designed Redwood with five research-backed ingredients that can help you take control of your circulatory health.

    The best part?

    All five ingredients are natural so they don’t have side-effects like many blood pressure medications. Keep reading to find out the best way to take Redwood supplement to improve your circulatory health.

    Take Redwood Supplement to Increase Nitric Oxide:

    If you plan to take Redwood without eating healthy food or getting off the couch, you might as well save your money.

    Taking Redwood is a powerful way to support your health, but it isn’t meant as a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. Its scientifically-supported ingredients improve your circulation by increasing your body’s natural nitric oxide production.

    Nitric Oxide Production:

    Your blood vessels naturally produce and release nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is what’s known as a vasodilator. When nitric oxide flows through your blood vessels, it relaxes them so that they can easily expand Nitric oxide in the body is basically like Epsom salt in a bubble bath. Imagine sliding into the tub and feeling every muscle in your body relax. That’s basically what nitric oxide does to your blood vessels.

    Redwood is a nitric oxide booster. It provides your body with the raw ingredients it needs to produce more of this powerful chemical.

    Read More: How To Increase Vascularity And Muscle Definition Naturally

    Take Redwood Supplement to Improve Your Blood Pressure and Blood Circulation

    All the ingredients in Redwood have research to support them as nitric oxide boosters. We’ve included each ingredient in the exact amount research shows is beneficial.  All amounts listed below are per daily serving (six capsules).

    Redwood by UMZU

    Here’s a collection of the research we’ve found if you want to look at the studies yourself.

    Vitamin C (2000mg)

    Vitamin C helps reduce stress in your body by acting as an antioxidant. Research shows that it can help increase nitric oxide by more than 200% when taken with garlic.

    Garlic (600mg)

    Garlic contains quercetin. In research, quercetin has been found to have a similar effect on your blood pressure as many medications.

    Horse Chestnut Extract (600mg)

    Horse chestnut extract has been found to help with indirect symptoms of poor circulation such as varicose veins and swelling of the lower limbs.

    Pine Bark Extract (200mg)

    Pine bark extract increases your body’s nitric oxide production and also has a protective effect on your heart.

    VasoDrive-AP (250mg)

    VasoDrive-AP is made of hydrolyzed casein protein. It contains the amino acids arginine and l-citrulline, which help increase nitric oxide production. Research shows VasoDrive-AP can lower both your systolic and diastolic blood pressure by increasing your arterial elasticity.

    Redwood Helps Your Heart Pump Blood

    As we’ve already mentioned, Redwood can improve your blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide production.

    When your blood pressure is high, your circulatory system essentially becomes a balloon pumped up with too much air that can’t escape.

    Decreasing your blood pressure and improving circulation can lower your risk of developing heart disease or having a heart attack or stroke. It also has several benefits such as the following:

    • Increased energy
    • Better sensation in hands and feet
    • Improved concentration
    • Improved blood pressure
    • Improved erectile dysfunction
    • Decreased swelling in your lower legs
    • Better recovery of your muscle cells
    Natural Nitric Oxide Booster

    Who Should Take Redwood?:

    Your risk of developing high blood pressure or other circulatory issues increases as you age.

    If you’re over 50, you’re in the highest risk demographic for developing circulatory problems. However, it’s a good idea to monitor your blood pressure no matter how old you are. These days, you can measure your blood pressure at most pharmacies.

    If you’re overweight or obese, you also have a higher risk of developing circulatory problems. If you’ve noticed your energy levels lagging recently or if your blood pressure is abnormally high, you may benefit from taking steps to improve your circulation.

    Taking redwood along with healthy lifestyle habits is a great way to start improving your circulatory health.

    Redwood Supplement Recommended Daily Dose:

    We recommend that you take three capsules twice per day and spread out the doses close to 12 hours apart. Nitric oxide breaks down quickly in your body so by taking your doses evenly throughout the day, you’ll have an even release of nitric oxide at all times.

    Our recommendation is to take Redwood supplement with breakfast as soon as you wake and then again with dinner or a bedtime snack. Because some of the ingredients are fat-soluble, it’s always best to take it with food.

    How to Maximize Results While Taking Redwood Supplement:

    If you want to get the most out of Redwood, you should do the following:

    • Take it with food
    • Take three capsules twice per day
    • Spread your two servings about 12 hours apart
    • Combine with a healthy diet and exercise for best results

    The good thing about taking a supplement like Redwood is that it’s filled with natural ingredients so you can combine it with other supplements that support other aspects of your health.

    If you’re somebody who lives a busy or stressful lifestyle, you may benefit from taking an adaptogen (a supplement that can reduce your stress hormone cortisol).

    It’s no secret that stress increases your blood pressure, so taking a supplement like Cortigon can further help improve your circulation.

    Does Redwood Really Work?

    There are countless nitric oxide supplements with ingredients that either have no evidence to support them or provide ingredients well below the research-backed doses. We’ve spent countless hours reviewing the research on all the ingredients we’ve included so you don’t have to waste your time digging through hundreds of studies.

    We’re so certain that you’ll notice a benefit when you take Redwood Supplement that we’re offering it completely risk-free for the first 60 days.

    Here’s why other people are saying they love Redwood:

    Optimize your circulatory health by ordering Redwood today!